Our services are tailored to your needs.

We aim to help small business owners run their businesses more efficiently. 

It is your business so you decide what you require and when.

Whether you want the services undertaken inhouse or externally.

Whether trading on your own as a Soletrader, in a Partnership or operating as a Limited Company.

All our services come with individual login and access codes, so you maintain ultimate control of the systems.



Advise on alternative setups, Pros and Cons

Registration of the business with HMRC for Taxes and VAT

Registration of a limited company, including setting up directors, shareholders, registered offices

Setting up the accounting system suited to your needs

Payroll registration and maintenance

Registering your personal situation with HMRC

VAT (Value Added Tax)

Registration with HMRC and online account setup

Review, preparation and submission of returns

Advice on appropriate scheme for your business, be it based on invoice, cash in/out or use of a flat rate scheme

Advice on overseas sales and purchases; what VAT to declare if needed


Preparation of corporation tax returns and supporting documentation for submission to HMRC.

Preparation of individual personal income tax returns and assistance in the submission to HMRC.


              Administration of statutory filing with Companies House

 Advice and assistance with changes to company structure and ownership


Maintaining your business records on an accedited accounting software program.

Setup new programs or use or existing stystems.

Use of Sage, Quickbooks, Kashflow, Xero systems

Shared access - allowing you to use on a daily basis.

Periodic management reporting (trading performance, profit and loss, debtors, creditors);

Monthly or Quarterly bookkeeping, to suit the business needs.

Should the business be VAT registered our VAT service is included.



Operation of the business payroll requirements, including any pension arrangements in place

Submission and Administration of the online HMRC and Auto Enrolment pension schemes

Advice on personnel employment terms


CIS (Construction Industry Scheme)

Registration of the scheme with the HMRC authorities.

Preparation and submission of business monthly CIS submissions.

Dealing with the offset of CIS against company PAYE debts.


                                 Preparation of Annual Accounts

                     Preparation of accounts file for business Accountants

        Assisting the business in submitting their accounts to the authorities